Online Giving

Parishioners now have the ability to give Offertory donations online. Donations are processed through Vanco.

You can follow the directions below or refer to this PDF.

Vanco Online Giving Directions

  1. Go to the following link:
  2. You will see the home page of our website pop up and then a box below “Online Donation.”
  3. You can go to the right-hand side and create a profile OR fill in the boxes on the left side ~ donation amount, frequency and then hit “Continue”
  4. On the next screen, you’ll need to complete name, address, etc.
    • Credit card ~ If you are using your credit card, complete the boxes below.  There is an option to also pay the credit card processing fee.
    • Checking or Savings ~ When you click on the checking or savings, another screen will pop-up.  You will need your bank routing number (on your checks or savings deposit tickets) and your account number.  The processing fee for checking or savings is 1%, plus .45 cents for each transaction.
  5. In the next section, you can save your profile.  This will save time and allow you to change your donation.  Save your password!
  6. “I’m not a robot” Click this box.
  7. Before hitting the “Process” button, check to see that your information is correct.

You can return to the home page or just exit.

You will receive an e-mail confirming your online donation.  The parish will also receive an e-mail letting them know of the deposit to the church’s account.

Vanco’s Address

Vanco Client Services 

3800 American Blvd. West    Suite 500 Bloomington, MN 55431
D: 800 675 7430
Hours: 8:30am-7pm EST M-F