“Your Talents…God’s Time”
Each of us have God-given talents that he wants us to use for enrichment of all we meet. As we begin this new year, consider using that God-given talent in some way at St. Joseph’s. St. Joe’s is like a family, we rely on each other’s talents to “get er done.”
Your participation can be small or large.
- For instance, a sacristan prepares the altar for mass. This takes about an hour.
- Or as a member of the choir, we practice 1 hour a week.
- The Morning Star Guild prepares for our bi-annual Barn Sale, organizes ‘game night’ and other social events.
- The Building & Grounds committee keeps the church and house looking good.
These are just a few examples. Think about it. Is the Holy Spirit giving you a nudge?
See Bridget Marlin for more details. Thank you.
2025 BAA
Your generous support of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal is appreciated. If you have not received an envelope, there are blank ones in the back of the Church. If you have any questions, please see George Shafer.
Tax Season
If you are needing your contribution form from 2024, please contact the Parish office by phone or email Monday – Wednesday 8:30am– 1:30pm.
You are welcomed to sign-up to donate the weekly Altar flowers! The signup sheet is in the Church narthex.
We are asking for volunteers to sign up and clean the altar linens. The linens are cleaned twice a month. We appreciate your help. Sign up sheet is in the church narthex.
Loaves and Fishes
Please contribute to those who are less fortunate in our community by bringing canned goods, cereal and peanut butter, non-perishable goods. These items will be donated to our local food pantry, Loaves and Fishes. Thank you for your generosity.
Parish House Renovation Committee
Do you have a flare for design or experience with home renovation, then we need you! Our beloved parish house is about 50 years old. It is currently used for our secretary’s office, Sunday school, committee meeting center, picnic prep, barn sale prep, monthly brunch, special church gatherings and storage. Structurally it is in great shape with a new roof, new windows, new HVAC and new appliances over the past 5 years. While structurally it is in good shape, cosmetically it is still 50 years old and looking a bit rough. It is time we continue to care for our wonderful parish house with an interior renovation. We would like to establish a Parish House Renovation Committee and hope you will consider participating and put your talents to work! The committee will assess what needs to be done with the usage needs in mind, gather cost estimates and potential contractors, develop a reasonable financial budget and implementation plan that will be brought forward for approval and methods to raise funds. If you are interested in getting involved in this fun project, please let Alicia Whiting 804-221-5073 or Ashleigh Trumbull the Parish Secretary 252-257-5605. Why not you?