Whether you are new to or visiting our area, seeking information on the Catholic Church, or if you’ve been away from the church for a long time, we warmly welcome you to St. Joseph The Worker parish.
Worship with Us!
Mass is offered every Sunday at 8:00 am. Holy Days are celebrated throughout the year at 4:00 pm and other times as listed in our weekly parish bulletin. For locations and directions, Click Here. It is no longer mandatory to wear a face mask in church, but you may continue to do so if that is your personal preference.
Advent Schedule
Join Our Parish
If you’ve been attending Mass at St. Joseph The Worker we are happy to have you! We invite you to come join us for mass and discuss with one of our parishioners or to register formally by visiting the Contact Us page.
Faith Formation
Youth Faith Formation
Children ages 4-15 who have not made their Communion or Confirmation will meet each Sunday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the Parish House, September to May.
For Adult Faith Formation the dates are listed in the calendar. Adult faith formation is spring and fall. Spring is finishing up, fall TBD.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
For adults interested in becoming catholic RCIA is an opportunity to inquire about our faith and to become a full member of the Catholic Church.
Please Contact Us if you have any questions about participating in Faith Formation opportunities.
- Baptism: Please Contact Us, at least one month in advance to schedule preparation.
- Reconciliation: Communal reconciliation is celebrated during Advent and Lent. Please see the church bulletin for specific dates and times. For other times please Contact Us.
- Marriage: Please make an appointment with Father at least six months prior to your desired date to schedule the church for your ceremony and begin marriage preparation. Please Contact Us for more information.
- Anointing of the Sick: Anyone anticipating surgery, is ill, injured or weakened due to illness or age is encouraged to receive the Anointing of the Sick. Contact Us.
Spiritual Resources
Books, Websites & Spiritual Resources
- wordonfire.org: contains numerous resources for study of the Catholic faith and scripture.
- saintvincentarchabbey.org: contains a daily reflections on scripture, Sunday homilies, and monasticism.
- onlineministries.creighton.edu: contains numerous links for daily reflections, daily prayer, and Ignatian spirituality.
- liturgy.slu.edu: contains numerous links to assist in prayer, reflection, and liturgy.
- Women Who Attend Church Frequently Live Longer: Harvard Study Results.