Church Calendar

MARCH3Morning Star Mtg 10:00Parish House
 5Ash Wednesday 4:00Parish
 6Confirmation 6:30Parish
 12Game Night 6:00Parish House
 13Adult Faith Formation 1:00Parish House
 13Confession 7:00Parish
 14Stations of the Cross 5:00Parish/Outside
 19Adult Faith Formation 5:30Parish House
 21Stations of the Cross 5:00Parish/Outside
 26Adult Faith Formation 5:30Parish House
 27Adult Faith Formation 1:00Parish House
 28Stations of the Cross 5:00Parish/Outside
APRIL1Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 3Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 4Stations of the Cross 5:00Parish/Outside
 6Brunch 9:00Parish House
 7Morning Star Mtg 10:00Parish House
 8Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 9Game Night 6:00Parish House
 10Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 11Stations of the Cross 5:00Parish/Outside
 15Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 16Barn Prep/Fill Easter Eggs 9:30:12Barn
 17Holy Thursday 4:00Parish
 18Good Friday-Outdoor Stations NoonOutside Parish
 18Good Friday-Liturgy 4:00Parish
 19Easter Egg Hunt 10:00Outside Parish
 20Easter 8:00Parish
 22Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 24Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 30Barn Prep  Barn
MAY1Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 2Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 3BARN SALE 8:00:12Barn
 4First Communion & Brunch 8:00Parish/Parish House
 5Morning Star Mtg 10:00Parish House
 14Game Night 6:00Parish House
 17First Responders Luncheon NoonShed/outside
 19Strawberry Canning @ Maria’s 10:00Maria’s House
JUNE1Brunch 9:00Parish House
 1Picnic 4:00Shed/outside
 2No Morning Star Mtg   
JULY7No Morning Star Mtg   
  No Brunch, July/August   
AUGUST4Morning Star Mtg 10:00Parish House
 15Feast of the Assumption 4:00Parish
 26-29Canning-Dates TBD 10:00Maria’s House
SEPTEMBER4Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 7Brunch 9:00Parish House
 9Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 10Game Night 6:00Parish House
 11Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 14Picnic 4:00Shed/outside
 16Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 18Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 23Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 25Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
OCTOBER1Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 2Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 3Barn Prep 9:30:12Barn
 4BARN SALE 8:00:12Barn
 5Brunch 9:00Parish House
 6Morning Star Mtg 10:00Parish House
 15Game Night 6:00Parish House
 26Christmas Cards for the Troops   
 31Halloween at Bridget’s House 5:30Bridget’s
NOVEMBER1All Saints Day 4:00Parish
 2Brunch 9:00Parish House
 2Bulletin Note-Christmas cards for Troops   
 3Morning Star Mtg 10:00Parish House
 12Game Night 6:00Parish House
DECEMBER1Morning Star Mtg 10:00Parish House
 7Brunch 9:00Parish House
 7Christmas Party TBDTBD
 8Feast of the Immaculate Conception 4:00Parish
 20Las Posada 6:00TBD
31New Years Eve